colors are wrong after the import

QuestionsCategory: PDF Light Viewercolors are wrong after the import
sandy murray asked 7 years ago
I found this KB post with my problem of the colours changing but don’t understand how to do the command like where do we put it?
Convert CMYK PDFs to RGB with GhostScript
The following command will convert the PDF. Useful for cases when colors are wrong after the import by PDF Light Viewer plugin: gs -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOCACHE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sColorConversionStrategy=CMYK -dProcessColorModel=/DeviceCMYK -sOutputFile=some.rgb.pdf some.pdf

  •  PHP is 5.3 or higher
  •  ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick PHP Extension is loaded 
  •  Imagick or Gmagick PHP Wrapper is supported. v.ImageMagick 6.7.2-7 2017-03-23 Q16 
  •  Imagick or Gmagick PDF Support is enabled 
  •  GhostScript is supported. v.8.70 

1 Answers
support answered 6 years ago
Hello Sandy,
I’ve answered on your email. But will copy the reply here for reference.
The command mentioned in the KB post is for Linux Command Line Interface. Though it could be used on windows with some adjustments.
However, we’ve integrated this command to the plugin, version 1.3.21.
When you’ll install new version and if your server have support of the feature, you’ll see the following option on the PDF import screen: 
If you’re not satisfied with colors of PDF after the import, please try to enabled the option “Convert colors” and see if that will help.
Please note: PDF file will be overwritten by the “Convert colors” option.