how to disable automatic zoom

QuestionsCategory: PDF Light Viewerhow to disable automatic zoom
Susan Pinto asked 8 years ago
I have a customer is requesting for the AUTOMATIC zoom to be disable however still will like to have the option for user.
The CMS only gives me the option to disable or enable the button.
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1 Answers
super Staff answered 8 years ago
Hello Susan,
You can use the following javascript to “turn off” zoom initially during the page load:

PDFLightViewerApp.zoom.disable( jQuery('.js-pdf-light-viewer') );

After that zoom can be enabled by clicking on the zoom link or by calling:

PDFLightViewerApp.zoom.enable( jQuery('.js-pdf-light-viewer') );
replied 8 years ago

Tried to add it to the page with no luck, where would this go?

replied 7 years ago

You can use the plugin similar to and paste the code there. Also some wordpress themes already have text fields where you could add custom javascript code.