Integrate Search Index into Site Index

QuestionsCategory: PDF Light ViewerIntegrate Search Index into Site Index
Vico asked 8 years ago
since the pdf viewer pro is reading the content of the pdfs and – allegedly – makes it possible to not only search through the pdf-files but also make the content searchable by google I would like to know how I can integrate the pdfs content into the nowmal wordpress site search/ my theme comes with an ajax search but I guess it reads the normal standard wordpress site-index… 
how can I combine the scanned pdf-content into the site search so that visitors from my site also find the according pdf when they search for a mentioned person or post?

1 Answers
support answered 8 years ago
Hello Vico,
PRO Addon stores pdf text content in custom fields (mysql table postmeta) called “_pdf-light-viewer-pdf-page-text-{page_number}”
So to integrate it in WordPress search you’ll need any search plugin which searches through the post’s custom fields. For example you can use Relevanssi –