unknown error during import

QuestionsCategory: PDF Light Viewerunknown error during import
Jeff asked 8 years ago
I am trying to import a pdf document into my site and your program keeps giving me an error when I try to import the file but it just says unknown error.
How can I fix this issue?
replied 8 years ago

Hello Jeff,

The mentioned error usually means that some server error appeared. To solve this error we need to know what is the error exactly. And you can find out the error by following this article https://support.wp.teamlead.pw/dwkb/500-server-error/ for example

Your site writes error log for all occured errors. Error log could be found in your site root folder (near the wp-config.php) – the file called “error_log”. If there is no error log, then you could try to create it by following this short tutorial: https://support.wp.teamlead.pw/dwkb/error_log/

Also PDF Light Viewer plugin creates it’s own log, which you can check by opening /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=pdf-light-viewer of your site. If there are some records, please send it to me via email: support@teamlead.pw.