Why my pdf image is getting cropped?

QuestionsCategory: PDF Light ViewerWhy my pdf image is getting cropped?
Prof. Valentin Wormbs asked 6 years ago
Hi, I´ am using for quite a while your PDF Lightviewer Plugin to display my students work. Until now it worked very well, but now, i got problems with the correct display and aspect ratio of the PDFs. All PDFs at first sight seem to be cropped, but if you advance some pages (6 to 10) the correct full pagesize will appear. Any idea, what i´am doing wrong or how to solve the problem?
Here´s the URL: http://imagedesign.ag.htwg-konstanz.de/?p=3712
Kind regards
Staff replied 6 years ago

Hello Prof. Valentin, looks like styles of the first PDF applied to other ones. That looks like a bug. We will test this and fix.