Automatically opening a certain page on load

QuestionsCategory: PDF Light ViewerAutomatically opening a certain page on load
Livio asked 8 years ago
I noticed that the plugin has a neat system of dynamic URLs to link to a specific page in the PDF. But what if I want to embed a PDF in a post and have it opened at a specific page when that post is loaded? Is there an elegant way to do that? I think it’s impossible to save anchors in the permaurl. The best would have to have this option in the Shortcode. Anything I am not seeing?

1 Answers
super Staff answered 8 years ago
Hello Livio,
For now you can use the following javascript code to open certain page on load:

jQuery('.js-pdf-light-viewer-magazine').turn('page', 6);

where 6 is the page number you want.