Changing the size of the viewer

QuestionsCategory: PDF Light ViewerChanging the size of the viewer
Anonymous asked 9 years ago
I went through the steps to install and activate the PDF Light Viewer. This plugin is a nice alternative to using services like, where you have to upload your PDF to their servers. I uploaded my book to my site and everything works as expected. I only noticed one exception, the size of the viewer in my post is enormous. I have to scroll the page in order to read my book, which is only a 5.5 x 8.5 inches. Is there a way to adjust the output size of the PDF?
replied 9 years ago

Hello, unfortunately there is no good method to adjust the output size right now. Several users already asked about this before, so I believe this will be good feature for one of the next releases. I leave this ticket opened and will notify you when we’ll have progress on this. You can track our roadmap on trello –

1 Answers
support answered 9 years ago
We’ve added “Max book height” setting in version 1.3.8. Setting “Max book width” is already there.
Using these settings you could adjust the output size of your PDFs.