Messy background surrounding pages

QuestionsCategory: PDF Light ViewerMessy background surrounding pages
Paul Perrin asked 8 years ago
I put up a PDF – but it really looks pretty bad.
The original doc was an A4 booklet 100+pages – I want it to be usable on tablet and desktop. But currently on both the pages show will big margins left/right/bottom that are just ‘noise’ making it look like the page was scanned on a scanner with a dirty hood.
I have turned off zoom and adaptive that really didn’t seem to work logically on a touch screen (or with a scrolly mouse) but it still looks pretty bad… what do I need to do to make it look reasonable?
Here is the current link (but I’ll be working to make it look better!)


1 Answers
super Staff answered 7 years ago
Hello Paul,
Thank you for your message.
I know that it’s a long time passed, but will answer anyways.
The issue is in your site’s styles. In the file on the line 569 you have code to limit maximum image width:

.hentry img {
	max-width: 627px;
	width: auto;
	height: auto;

If you will change that max-width for the PDF images, it should look fine then.