PDF Light Viewer Pro – PDFs Archive Feature

QuestionsCategory: PDF Light ViewerPDF Light Viewer Pro – PDFs Archive Feature
Chester asked 9 years ago
Hi, I wanna ask about this particular feature. According to the demo, you can show all of the PDFs that you have uploaded through this plugin but my question is does this feature include search engine for the uploaded PDFs and category menu where you get to select a particular category and it will show all of the PDFs under that category? Thanks.

2 Answers
support answered 9 years ago

Hello Chester,

Thank you for the interest to our plugin!

Unfortunately plugin doesn’t allow search through the PDFs right now but this feature is planned for future releases https://trello.com/c/dgabKsuK/28-search-through-all-pdfs I’ll notify you when it will be available.

Category menu is also interesting thought, will add it to the roadmap.

support answered 8 years ago
Hello Chester,
Just wanted to let you know, that Search (beta) will be added in the version 0.1.5.
Category menu has been already implemented earlier.